Tropical 252
4 Beds, 2 Baths, 2 Cars
Priced on Request
- Living Area: 173.49m2 Width: 12.00m Depth: 22.50m
- Verandah: 15.33m2
- Garage: 38.60m2
- Alfresco: 16.15m2
- Store: 9.25m2
- Total: 252.82m2
- Under Roof: 27.21Sq
- Large Living & Dining Area
- Double Lock-Up Garage
- Ensuite & WIR
- Outdoor Alfresco
- Separate Lounge
To view our list of inclusions please click - Standard Inclusions
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- Disclaimer
- Prices listed as per Hosies Homes Standard Inclusions List
- Subject to soil test, survey & site conditions.
- Price may change without further notice.
- Exclusions unless otherwise specified: the construction contract does not provide for the following and/or similar items and/or their installation and/or any additional works to facilitate installation: Window furnishings; external rendering to brickwork; landscaping; fencing; decorative light fittings; retaining walls; landscaping; fencing; fireplaces; soft furnishings; vehicles; any siteworks other than specifically stated in site estimate; any items not specified on inclusion lists and/or colour selections and/or plans, and not specifically costed in by the builder.
- The Plans & Elevations are an artists impression only.